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    Anode for Marine
    Anode for Marine

    Price: Contact

      Product code: CM - MAR
    • Manufacturer : Impalloy
    • Guarantee : 2 Year
    • Status: Manufacture with your request


    The C-Sentry flush mounted anode range for hulls and tanks, in either Zinc or Aluminium with or without painted bases, has been well known and respected for many years. There are anodes to suit every class of vessel from inshore fleets to naval vessels. C-Sentry anodes feature in many MOD and NATO specifications fro protection of vessels.

    Simply select the size and weight of C-Sentryanode required from the table below. Impalloy can create sacrificial anodes to any size and fixing method from our extensive mould list. Please either call or use the contact form to request prices.

    Download Marine Technical Factfile

    C-Sentry Aluminium Hull Anodes 

    Anode Type Overall Dimensions (mm) Anode Body (mm) Weight (kg) Drawing
    Length Width Depth Length Width Depth Net Gross Standard
    13XH 254 102 38 152 102 38 1.3 1.6 C5536
    28XH 394 127 32 318 127 32 2.8 3.5 C5537
    36XH 457 152 32 355 152 32 3.6 4.5 C5538
    54XH 565 102 61 445 102 61 5.4 6.2 C4991
    63XH 826 85 49 610 85 49 6.3 7.8 C5539
    76XH 826 102 49 610 102 49 7.6 9.1 C5540
    93XH 826 140 43 610 140 43 9.3 10.8 C5541
    124XH 826 138 65 605 138 65 12.4 13.9 C5542
    200XH 838 286 80 762 133 80 20.0 22.5 C5543
    202XH 1038 286 80 774 121 80 20.2 22.7 C5242
    320XH 1435 152 64 1219 152 64 32.0 35.4 C5544
    352XH 1435 175 66 1219 175 66 35.2 38.6 C5545


    C-Sentry Zinc Hull Anodes 

    Anode Type Overall Dimensions (mm) Anode Body (mm) Weight (kg) Drawing
    Length Width Depth Length Width Depth Net Gross
    28ZH 238 83 41 171 83 41 2.8 2.9 911
    38ZH 310 83 36 200 83 35 3.8 4.3 3104
    41ZH 381 76 38 305 76 38 4.1 4.5 963
    55ZH 440 90 40 330 90 40 5.5 6.1 964
    86ZH 458 152 32 356 152 32 8.6 9.6 958
    117ZH 508 101 50 356 101 50 11.7 12.6 C3207
    137ZH 565 102 61 445 102 61 13.7 14.5 C4991
    141ZH 557 100 62 457 100 62 14.1 15 965
    164ZH 826 85 49 610 85 49 16.4 15 960
    186ZH 811 203 38 811 101 38 18.7 20 966
    187ZH 911 203 38 811 102 38 18.7 20 969
    202ZH 826 102 49 610 102 49 20 21.7 962
    246ZH 826 140 43 610 140 43 14.6 26.1 961
    285ZH 913 203 64 813 102 64 28.5 30 970


    C-Sentry Aluminium Tank Anodes

    Anode Type Anode Length Fixing length Anode width Anode depth Core Diameter Net Weight (Kg) Gross weight (Kg) Drawing no
    81XT 1197 227 51 51 12 8.1 9.6 C5787
    102XT 1508 227 51 51 12 10.2 12.0 C5788
    116XT 1225 227 60 60 12 11.6 13.1 C5789
    132XT 1504 227 54 42 12 13.2 15.0 C5790
    160XT 1478 227 64 64 12 16.0 17.7 3454
    188XT 1223 227 76 76 12 18.8 20.3 C5725


    C-Sentry Zinc Tank Anodes

    Anode Type Anode Length Fixing length Anode width anode depth Core Diamete Net Weight Kg Gross weight Kg Drawing no
    94ZT 560 227 51 51 12 9.4 10.3 11
    212ZT 1213 227 51 51 12 21.2 22.7 12
    304ZT 1244 227 60 60 12 30.4 31.9 13
    318ZT 1175 227 63 42 12 31.8 33.3 14
    450ZT 1133 227 76 64 12 45.0 46.4 15
    500ZT 1493 227 70 76 12 50.0 51.8 B1432


    C-Sentry & C-Gard Sacrifical Anodes protecting against corrosion


